Prominence UFLCXR
In order to investigate minute quantities of impurities in such areas as pharmaceuticals and pesticide residues in food products, both the ability to separate and detect trace compounds more reliably and increased analysis efficiency are required. [more detail]
Prominenc LC-20A
A network-ready HPLC, Prominence features the world’s first Web control, fastest sample injection, and the highest detection sensitivity performance to surpass current HPLC technology. [more detail]
Prominence nano
The Prominence nano is a nanoflow LC system consisting of Prominence Series units, including a flow line switching valve for nano-level flow control, and a solvent delivery unit that demonstrates excellent flow rate accuracy even at nano–level flows [more detail]
The LC-2010HT is a next-generation HPLC based on the concept of high-throughput analysis and automated validation. The LC-2010HT is comprised of a degassing unit, quaternary low-pressure gradient unit, pump unit, mixer, ultra fast autosampler, column oven, and a UV-VIS detector with a thermostatted flow cell. [more detail]