Fully Unattended Operation from Startup to Shutdown
Nexera can be set to start up at a specified time, so that it ca n complete auto-purge, equilibration and baseline checks in advance, and b e ready for analysis as soon as you arrive at the lab. Moreover , the system can be set up in advance to run without user intervention all the way from start up through analysis to shutdown.
You can view the status and predicted analysis completion time f or multiple systems from any location via a smart device. None of these fea tures requires any special software.

Auto-Diagnostics and Recovery
In rare cases, air bubbles can form in the mobile phase and cau se problems if inhaled into the pump. Nexera has the ability to monitor baseline chang es and pressure fluctuations to check for abnormalities.
When it detects an unusual fluctuation, it can automatically pau se the analysis, purge the flow path, and restart analysis once it has confirmed r ecovery to normal pressure.

FlowPilot Protects Columns
HPLC columns can be damaged by sudden pump starts and stops or extreme gradient changes. The Nexera automatically uses FlowPilot (Smart Flow Control) to increase the flow rate gradually to the set point. There is no need to create startup protocols for each analysis.
(Pat. Pending)

Mobile Phase Levels Measured in Real Time
Reservoir tray weight sensors (optional) can be used to monitor the volume of mobile phase or autosampler rinse solution in up to twelve containers. The containers can also be checked remotely from a smart device.
You will no longer need to worry about running out of mobile phase mid-analysis, because the device will notify you before starting the run if the volume remaining is too low.
(Pat. Pending)