Technical specifications
- Output: from 200 to 600 Nml/min
- Delivery pressure: 6 bar
- Gas purity: >99.9995%
- Microprocessor control with flow rate and pressure display
- Alarm system with safety shut-down in the event of serious malfunction (e.g. gas leaks)
- Also available in rack version
- Automatic water filling for continuous duty operations 24 hours a day
- Maximum safety in the lab, with no need for additional alarm systems
- No deionising bags needed
- No need to change the electrolyte
- No parts subject to wear (no deoxo unit)
- Maximum purity reached immediately after startup
- Removable demineralised water tank with automatic filling option
- Gas chromatography : feed to FID, NPD, FPD and HWD detectors; carrier gas