Complete Control with AIM View
• Auto Aperture – Maximizes IR illumination on the sample spot. The aperture is motor-driven, and its size and angle are freely set using mouse operation alone. Simply set the aperture over the sample, and the sampling area is automatically positioned for maximum infrared intensity. The aperture size and angle can easily be maintained between background and sample positions.
• Auto X-Y Stage – Simplifies exact sample positioning. Up to 10 sample positions and 2 background positions can be placed into memory, and the stage can be moved in increments as small as 1 µm for finely detailed mapping.
• Auto Focus – True focus is only one mouse-click away! Arduous focusing is unnecessary. Just one click of the mouse automatically brings the image into focus.
• Auto Centering – Sample viewing couldn’t be easier! Double-clicking on any point in the visible observation screen will bring that spot into the center of the viewing area.
High Sensitivity, Maintenance-Free MCT Detector
High sensitivity – of course! A signal-to-noise ratio* of 2,600 to 1 (Type I) or 2,000 to 1 (Type II) or higher is guaranteed for a 60 scan, 50 x 50 µm aperature transmission measurement. Each MCT detector is equipped with a shock-resistant, leak-free glass Dewar. The glass Dewar is superior to the metal Dewars used with common MCT detectors because metal Dewars require re-evacuation every 1 to 2 years.
Abundant Options
• ATR Objectives – Ge, ZnSe, or Diamond (Spectra-Tech)
• Grazing Angle Objective (Spectra-Tech)
• Contact Alert System available (Spectra-Tech)
• Mapping Software – includes line and area modes; view data as contour, relief, 3-D or overlay plots; automade simple mapping.
• Micro-manipulator (MMS-77) with Vernier-control for easy sample examination and preparation.
*Note – This signal-to-noise ratio is a peak-to-peak measurement for 60 scans, 50 x 50 µm aperature, 8cm -1 resolution.